The New Year brings an opportunity to push the reset button, to start new again.
It brings excitement every year, but this year I noticed an exceptional level of excitement. I see people are showing gratitude, being present, recognizing their meaningful relationships with others, and appreciating the importance of connection and community. In this day and age, where we can feel so separate and distant from one another, community and relationships are essential.
I want to share that “I see you. I am here”. To acknowledge and validate another person is influential. When we see and recognize another individual, friend, co-worker, or acquaintance, we see the commonality of humanity, and we feel a connection. We tap into our humanity, and we are validated. We realize how much we are alike and need each other and the community.
At the onset of this New Year, this feels most appropriate and best for my soul and spirit. The Zulu word Sawubona means I see you; I am here. When we fully see someone and acknowledge another’s presence, we get closer, and the world gets smaller. We recognize that we are not alone and are all in this together.